About the Open Post
I must say that the commentary on the last Open Post was rather amusing. I did not have time to read every comment until just now. Some of the comments were just hilarious. The raw bread comment takes the cake.
It is interesting to see how the comments escalated.
I have a lot to add, I just need to find the time. Maybe soon.
Do you guys think I should have a weekly Open Post? Every Friday maybe?
It is interesting to see how the comments escalated.
I have a lot to add, I just need to find the time. Maybe soon.
Do you guys think I should have a weekly Open Post? Every Friday maybe?
i think its a great idea to have one weekly. It really brings things out, that not many people would think to talk about, but on the other hand seems to bother people.
This blog, as well as website, RoanokeFirefighters.com, have been banned from city computers. The oppression continues...
Hello boys and girls,
Ghost here. I’ve been out of town and just caught up on my blog reading. Some of you have been very bad, and it seems Mr. Hoback takes exception to your rant. He seems to think it makes the department and management look bad. Hum, let’s see now; are the problems what make the department look bad? Or is it that you talk about it publicly on this blog? I’ve always said that they are in complete denial downtown. There are no problems here! OK, breaking news; I just got a phone call; Hoback blocked the blog from city computers. I’m sure they will say too many people are reading it on duty. They also blocked the Overacker site. Yup, his certainly is a damaging site. No doubt about it folks, it is censorship!
There are no problems, we are doing a good job, only about 5 people complain anyway. Seems the blog contradicts those statements. What’s the deal Hoback? Are you embarrassed that outsiders see how many problems we have? You should be more embarrassed that you are doing nothing to correct the problems. Censorship! What a concept. Discredit anyone that disagrees with you, punish them if possible and go to any length to cover it up! It would be less difficult to fix the problems. To even acknowledge the problems would be a start. An attempt to correct things would get everyone’s attention. Oh, but there aren’t any problems.
Well you can’t block it from our homes or from other businesses where people read it. You are known by your actions and inaction.
One other thing; G, H and T… how can you sleep at night?
I alway suspected you were an anarchist!
That evil web site you host has been silenced by the fatherland for the good of the masses.
That will teach you to spread seeds of discontent....
what, you didn't do anything wrong?
But, but, but it can't be they tagged you to present that it was not retailation aganist Rhett and his site.
The evil doers must be punished.
oh well.
somebody must pay...
Silence infidel!
Once again we see that our illustrious "leadership" has overestimated their importance and underestimated the relevance of this site and that of Overacker's. Do they really believe that by blocking access they can control the thoughts and comments that we all have. Once again they show us that instead of thinking about how a site like this can and does give us the ability to voice our opinion, see what others are thinking and actually read and learn about other issues involving the fire service as a whole. This site allows us to vent ourselves in a usually contructive way, and to read how others are feeling about things. Now that we can no longer view this from the stations I guess we are supposed to turn off like a light switch. Oops...wrong again. You-Hoback- have effectively stomped on our morale and taken a small part of our hope and avenue for change. You have taken censorship to a new level. I am offended by many other writings on the internet, newspaper and on TV. So I say if you can block these sites, then you better make sure alot of other sites are blocked for other city workers. Also, the newspaper should be removed from delivery service from the stations because of the political views and opinions expressed offend me. Yes I can stop paying for them, but I can also choose not to visit the blog site if I don't like it. George Orwell knew way too much for his time and his forecast of this was like he had already lived in the time. I'm tired of being told how to think and act. I am offended by the tv and newspaper and many unblocked sites, and if they are not removed but these two are, then I say a lawsuit is in order for censorship. You can control our time on duty and you can dictate what we do on duty, but if you censor my rights, then you better be appliying it equally across the city. This isn't Hobackland or the Wonderful World of Grigsby, hell its not even puppetland- or is it.
Beware- the next act of agression towards us is the removal of the private internet from the stations- mark my word- its coming.
Chief- if you want to help morale, let the people have their avenue to vent, I agree there are some trivial blatent attacks that are not useful. But they don't hurt anyone, its just allowing someone to let off a little steam, far better therapy that to continue to shut down the only voice we seem to have anymore.
By the way- thought you guys didn't read this stuff anyway-hmmm- guess thats just another figment of our imagination as well.
Not! Nostradamus
I think it's great!! We're gettin' under their skin! As much shit as they give us, nice to know we can give a little back. Bottom line chief; morale is in the shitter. If you choose to keep denying it, the comments on here are only gonna get worse. I bet everyone in Admin. reads this site just as much as anyone in company. They can't take their eyes off of it. Because it's raw opinion, uncomprimised. As much as you hate this site chief, you could really learn some ways to turn things around by reading it, you can't deny that.
The funny thing is hoback really liked the site a year ago, but since views are not in his favor he has done a 180. If thats not a coward of a man, I don't no what is. where is it wrote that because we are at work we lose are basic rights as americans, plus there is a difference between 40 hour and firemen due to fact we live at the station.
I didnt know that internet usage was part of our "rights as americans". Are construction workers gathering together to look at the internet all day. Do the people at Home Depot sit on the internet for hours at a time?? Trust me, we are lucky that we can access the station computers and get online anyways. If you want to be able to access ANY website than you will need to dig in your pockets and get your own ISP.
Is it unconsitutional that we cannot look at porn, youtube, or any other site the city doesn't want us looking at.......NO.
Listen hear, I think Hoback is a total spineless idiot as well but admin can indeed choose which sites we can, and cannot view.
We get mad all day at admin yet we still continue to do as they say (pre-fire plans, mindless training, TV's not on till 5PM). We need to go to the store and on calls only. NOTHING EXTRA. Forget the accreditation B.S. that we do on a daily basis and let admin know that we are only there to take legitimate calls.
Are you so dense to see we are not talking about INTERNER USEAGE. this is basic rights that this country was founded on. I don't personally give a crap if they pulled every damn computer out of the station's, but were does it stop. The fact is we live at the station we have cable TV, news paper any number of reading material's, THEY SAY NO RETALEATION HAPPEN, PROOF POSITIVE.
You contradict yourself when you say we should except banned reading but then you act like following their other rules are pussified to follow, pick a battle. What would you say when they tell you no cell phones talk to your family at home only. I hope you get my point without getting offended.
for the "BILL OF RIGHTS"
"This shows how dumb hoback is ,we are fighting with each other than he does this, remind me not to take him to battle as a general perhaps a fluff-er in a queer beastiality movie."
sure never to be seen
Hey Bonehead, we are at WORK. Yes indeed they can tell us that there is no TV and no cell phone usage...just like many other places of employment in this great country. The Bill of Rights has nothing at all to do with freedom of speech at the workplace. If you do or say something that is offensive at work you may be fired. We dont have the same luxuries at work that you do at home.
No, I am not offended by your point (however mumbled it may be). Please dont be offended if I ask that you have somebody proofread your blog next time you send one in. For I did not understand what you were trying to say on the second half of what you wrote.
What I was trying to say is that we need only to show up for work and do what we are paid to do...help the citizens of Roanoke. All of the other "rules" admin puts on us can go out the window.
No TV 'till after 5pm?? wow, where's that, i'm interested
My mumbled point is "to much beer with to much anger", yes we do have some personal rights at work, and no they can't control what you read or think. If this was a Muslim prayer sight or any number of politically correct things it would be considered discrimination. This rule is going to be the same regardless if your on the private line or the city line and you no it. No reading the bible at night before bed, your at work. These are about the same things CONTROL, I wish you could see that. I agree they can tell you to stay off the their computer if it's applied to everyone.
IF you read how is that offensive. chief 1 2 3 deserve to be ashamed not offended.
see your point don't agree
JUST SHOW UP AND DO WHAT YOUR TOLD... years of that have created this problem, along with way to much suckin, you no who you are......... platos republic
To whomever spouted out the "Hey Bonehead" comment, you are wrong. The city, state, nor any corporation has the power, nor the ability to supersede the "Bill of Rights", no matter how much they wish it so. Employees carry their freedoms and rights with them even when they work, even though Roanoke, and much of Virginia cannot seem to let go of their desire for slavery and indentured servitude.
The city is well within their rights to prohibit you from using the computer. They, however, do NOT have the right to tell you what you can, or cannot look at on said computer, so long as the site is legal according to the laws of the jurisdiction in question. That is censorship. Therefore, the city is on very shaky ground with their "march of censorship". As far as I'm concerned, fire administration and the City of Roanoke administration should not be allowed to fly the American flag, if they continue to refuse to recognize the basic, fundamental rights of their employees as citizens of these United States.
Drink a few more beers Captain Grammar. I didnt know slurring your speech would come across on a blog.
O'doyle Rules!
To whom ever captain grammar is hell ya, likes beer and know his rights. Fuck grammar and look at the message. You must be a sop/ pop junkie on the fire scene or perhaps you are in charge of the intergalatical accreditation.
I am deeply offended by the city corner and the roanoke times due to their pro city manager propaganda. Can we start a petition to ban them from the stations?
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