Roanoke Fire-EMS helps out with the U.S. Challenge

On Sept. 03 Captain Marvin Huddleston, Lt. Baron Gibson & Firefighter Davel Muse were assigned the task of assisting the US Challenge, Challenger World team at Carvins cove. The team arrived at 12:00 hrs and by 12:30 hrs. Captain Huddleston had the team out on the cove in the Swift water ZODIAC. The Challenger team had the task of plotting certain points on the cove for teams to find during the competition. They were on the water for about an hour. The photos of the ZODIAC on the water were taken by Digi-scope.

Its great to see the zodiac getting some work. The swiftwater team with the challenge and the body recovery on the roanoke river today have been busy. The city has done well putting this team and equipment together.Good work to all the Members of the Roanoke Fire Ems Department. Stay safe!
Yeah Right, good job. Now do we really have to do this kind of stuff to justify the teams existence? This looks like a volunteer thing if you ask me. We take our engines and medics out of service to go play in the water for some gameshow. How bout doing some training for the job that they are supposed to know, But thats another box to open. We are gauranteed to get our EMS training but how bout some time for the company level training? But we galavant off to the cove to play waterboys.
Its called public service there GUMP. We do work for the public, I was not there but i bet the team got some good boat ops training. Call the training division and offer up your company level training ideas. Maybe you can go to training and help out. I bet you have lot of fire stories and experience you can pass on to us?? I see no companies in roanoke running their wheels off dude. So a company doing public service will not put to much burden on the rest of us to cover the calls!! Get a life!
I agree with the second anonymous. How bout we take some more pictures and putem on the wall at #6, Role up our shirt sleeves get a big ol slobbering chew in and pose as like the Roman Gods, oops Roanoke Gods they think they are. The public is who you are supposed to serve not your ego's and the ego's of the uppers in the department.
WOW! Who's talking about ego's? The city of roanoke has been a joke for many years! We got alot of young blood in the department now, and they care about their work and their training. The tech rescue team has had nothing to work with for years,and now we get the equipment and we want to learn how to use it and be good at what we do? And some want to sit on their fat asses and complain,Whats wrong with this picture?The guy with the big chew in has nothing to do with 6 and the tech rescue team!!!But ill tell you this, If i go down in a fire i would want him coming after me!!He and alot of others go to work each day with the public's best intrest in mind!What about you??? Be part of the team and not the problem! Enough said!!
Yeah OK your completely right. You come in everyday and think of the people that call six times a day and abuse the system. If you go down in a fire I sure hope he's there because your gona die if he's not. Ya that sounds Intgeligent. He's the save all. Sounds like you and Him have gotten yours (rank)and you dont care how the others do. Youve stepped on the others to get what you got and didnt care about how you got it. That should haunt your dreams,,For Life. Sleep tight
No i got mine by keeping my mouth shut and my ears open!Nobody gave me nothing.Why are you so angry? did he screw your sister or mom?
Did he take your line and put out your fire? Did he take your beer? And yes i do come to work to serve that person that calls 6 times a month,its your job!!!Are you a disgruntled medic that cant hack it in a fire? dont worry about me ill sleep just fine tonight on my ladder truck,But please try and be quiet as you go out all night on your bandaid wagon!!! Sweet dreams on your day off chump!
Any one reading this outside of RFEMS is curious why we have a Rumor Mill and why Morale is so low and why no one attends L1132 meetings see above comments. Those in the dept. come on really, If your interesed in part of the dept. (hazmat, tadpole, ropes, investigation) by all means go at it strong, the newer guys reading this, don't be afraid to ask how to take part. Those of you that choose not too I don't mind just don't put down the others. Really COME ON!!!!
The fact that there is a team I do not disagree with. The fact that some people get on the team to try and be apart of everything and not good at any one area bothers me. Some people in the department live through others and are completely superficial and can not live their lives as themselves. I guess what I am saying is that some are FAKE, and have little confidence in themselves and need to have a few of the others like themselves to stay afloat. no pun intended. What shift would that be?????
What kind of people are these????
What drives them to be this way???
Who is the Leader of leaderless men??
The picture on the wall at 6 was taken after a REAL rescue. If you want to see more pictures of this incident go to the Union site. I bet the victims treated and safely brought out of the pit were glad these guys roled their sleeves up and went to work.
Thats the problem with some of the comments on this site.They do not want to rool their sleeves up and do anything! and they want to make fun of the ones that want to do the work we are hired todo!Some need to decide is this your full time job or your part time job???
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