RIT training at Station 10

The Rapid Intervention Team is staged at the scene of structure fires in case the need arises to evacuate one of our own. We practice techniques to remove firefighters as quickly and efficiently as possible. Last week, the crews at Station #2 came out to #10 to practice.
On a historical note, the red engine behind the firefighters is the last completely red truck in Roanoke City. The truck is Tanker 10 and is actually owned by Roanoke Regional Airport. It is also the last Oren in Roanoke City and bears the old Roanoke City seal on its doors, which can be seen in the picture. Thanks to FF Travis Collins for this picture.
So, who's up for promotion?
almost all of them
Is that pack falling off the downed firefighter? We are trained to unbuckle the waist strap, loosen straps all the way, and re-attach thru firefighters legs. This not only keeps the pack on, but it keeps bottle upright and acts as a skate to help slide the firefighter thru a building.
You may have done this, just can't see in the pic. Great Shot!
engine 139
Actually, I think you are looking at the RIT pack. They had already done, or were about to do the "Rock" Harness (undoing the waist strap and re-fastening it through the crotch). My pack was underneath me, as my kidneys would soon find out.
Thanks for the comment.
Ha Ha...Very cool. That was another option. An additional pack/air supply.
Depending on the call obviously - but..do you send in first team with the additional supply as a standard, or do you first find then ask for additional?
What was this scenerio if you don't mind me asking?
We have a Rapid Intervention Team in place on all structure fires and other incidents where it is required. Our teams would take in the "RIT" bag which is a larger capacity air bottle, extra mask, various hook-ups, webbing, and caribeaners. The team would take any other tools they deem necessary like hand tools, saws, stokes, etc. They would call for additional teams for other needs and if they need another team to remove the victim.
The scenario was simply "firefighter down".
We are working on something we call the "Roanoke" Ladder. It is a section of ladder cut to around 5' long that we strap the firefighter to and carry the firefighter out on. It works a little bit better than a stokes when there is not trauma involved or if we need to get a firefighter out ASAP (as usual).
Our RIT team which I am the squad leader of never responds to our own departments jobs. We only respond to our neighboring departments.
Each member is equipped with:
webbing, rope, cutters, chocks,(2)carabeaners, flashlight, light box, and a radio.
Our first team in usually carries in (unless they have a specific report)-
200ft search rope
Cutters Edge.
They travel light and fast for the quick grap and find. Once at the firefighter, they can call for additional tools (if needed)while they package fireman.
We use the stokes as well, or the old fashioned one man at the head and one between the legs. We have found this is by far the best...time and time again. Keeping it simple. Fancy ropes and harnesses are great but when shit is hitting the fan and you have the big gloves on forget it!
We have search lines also. We will deploy them if needed. As you know, it just all depends. We haven't had to deploy our team yet.
We are a City Department, rarely calling on other departments for assistance.
I think I understand your setup though. We have talked about adding an additional ladder truck for the specific task of RIT, but we haven't seen it yet.
Having a truck just for RIT is a great idea. Our truck was an old heavy rescue rig that we transformed into a RIT/ future HAZMAT operations rig.
We run with an 8 man crew + chauffer.
In a stokes basket we carry:
2-200' search rope bags.
1-1/2 diameter rope set up for basement rescue
1-RIT Bag with air hose and connections
emt-kit including oxygen supply
2-halogen-axe kits
1-6' pike pole
1-size-up board w/timer
1-tarp for set-up
In addition to that we bring to the scene a cutters edge, a spare pack, and a partners/k-12 saw.
It carries 8 Interspiro 1hr packs and we have 8 additional bottles.
The rig is hydrolic equipped, but we do not have any air bags, or rescue tools yet. Air bags would be great (if you had the time).
on your off days do you flip chickens?
I'm an architect and you?
King of England
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