AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama
AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka blasts racism and underlines why workers should vote Obama in 2008. Excerpt of speech given at Steelworkers convention July 1, 2008, sponsored by USW President Leo Gerard.
yes, say no to racism, both white racism and black racism -
however, there are just as many people voting for him because he is black as there are people voting aganist him because he is black.
sad but true.
it is possible to vote aganist obama and race not be the issue.
yes, I think obama will win.
He spent the most money to get the job and the media favors him. The media cheapens our society more and more each year.
no, I won't vote for him...
he just says what people want to hear - without a clear plan or the ability to make it happen.
I don't trust him.
Any government that is large enough to give you everything is also big enough to take it all away.
I don't like a lot of the things mcCain says either. So who is left to vote for? Ralph Nader?...
I'm frustrated and disappointed. This was the democrats big chance to get a homerun and they send out hillary and obama. Damm. What were they thinking?
The ticket should provide a none of the above option.
I appreciate Trumkas vigor and respect his right to express his opinion, but I think he should stay off coffee for awhile.
yes, if you're a single issue person, the choice could be easy. But if you consider all the issues, we should all worry.
A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism.
It is time for unions to start working with both parties to obtain collective bargaining rights. We all know that historically the Republicans have worked against all unions. The Democrats have basically started to do the same because they know the unions always blindly supported them no matter what they do. They say oh yeah, we will support you and get you bargaining rights. I have been paying union dues for several years and I am still waiting on those promises Mr. Democratic Politician! The only ones I see working for us is at the local level. I really do appreciate what our local union folks do for us. They are the only ones that deliver!
I will hold my nose and vote for McCain/Palin.
I am Joe Six-Pack and I approve this message.
The Democratic party in the last 30 plus years have always gotten the majority of the black vote. So saying that blacks are voting for him because he is black is not correct, but where he is losing is the white democratics that always vote democrate but will not because he is black. That is the point that was being made. Most people who don't want to seem racist will come up with any other excuse not to vote for him just so they can say its not because he is black.
Clinton is one of the top Democratics but once again there is sexism. If Hillary was a man or if Obama was all white then none of these issues would have been on the table and the republicans would not stand a chance. You can't say no to sexism because Palin is on the ticket because people are voting for Mccain and Obama not Palin and Biden.
If you don't think what is happen with the ecomony will effect your job then you are so wrong. Gas prices are so high that you can't drive to the store,or worst training get cancelled because there is no more district training, no more driver training. The city can't afford to keep engines in service, stations merging and another engine is lost. That little 2% raise is no more. All the nice equipment is passed over for lesser. So trust me its not just your local government that effects you it goes all the way to the top.
you are right Joe, the local boys work for us as much as they can...thank you guys - but loss after loss here - where is the international? the list of wrongs aganist us is staggering- where is the international? year after year here things just get worse - where is the international? they take our dues - they send us stacks of credit card deals - they tell us who to vote for... when are they going to actually do something for us? I read the union mag as they boast of their sucesses. I am glad they do some good but at the same time mad that they don't do anything here. Hell, our local could do just as much good around the country with all the money the international takes in. It is a lot of money.
oh we don't have collective bargaining... yeah, well that's wearing thin. Most of us work two jobs to make ends meet. Tell it to the firefighters that were run off by this administration. Tell it to the firefighters that have to work with or under unqualified personnel. We take more risk every day and our pay and benefits certainly doesn't reflect it. This city manager and her lackies have walked all over us. We are a burdensome, expendable group to them. We have been dismissed, discredited, taken for granted, abused and jerked around and where is the international? WELL WE WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU BROTHERS AND SISTERS, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING; BUT SINCE WE'RE ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS, SEND US SOME MONEY AND VOTE FOR OUR PICK.
The last part of this speech reminded me of the Macho Man Randy Savage. All its missing is an OHH YEEEAH!
What has your local union done for you? Ive been paying in it for years too but haven't seen them do shit on my behalf.
If you would have your business done, go; if not, send.
Richard Saunders
What has the union done for me?
First of all, the folks who make up the union leadership are willing to serve on my behalf so I don't have to. Thank you for that, Rodney, Rhett, and the many others in the past who were willing to take on that thankless position.
Second, since I have been paying dues (longer than most, less than others) they went to bat with City Council and fought to raise the retirement multiplier from 2.0 to 2.1. Those of us that have been here that long remember, that was a huge battle. They City did not give that to us without a fight. They City did not want to give us anything for our pension. Why do you think we have the rule of 70 while other City workers have the rule of 80? These battles were fought long age by other union folks who were willing to serve.
Just because it is has been a while since we have had a major union victory to speak of, doesn't mean that we should not be grateful for what our union folks do for us now a days. They put their own careers on the line just being in those positions. Are you willing to risk your career, possible promotions, admins retaliation, etc. ? I doubt it.
So again, to Rodney, Rhett, and all you other folks who are involved in Local 1132 business, I thank you!
This is a "what have you done for me lately" society. You know it and I know it so cut out the bullshit. My $40/month could definitely go to some other bills that are piling up with this drowning economy. I have paid in long enough to realize that all that money has been wasted. I do appreciate what Rodney and Rhett do but our union power is so limited that I just dont see the payback that my $40/month gets me. And yes, I DO expect thing in return when I pay a monthly bill....whether it be union dues or my electricity bill.
You are free to drop out of the local at any time. Stop crying and just go. I don't remember anything that says you have to pay dues and be a member. Why do you keep paying dues if you feel this way?
Sorry but I am going to have to agree. I have not heard of anything that WE as a local are doing. Hell the auxillary are doing more than our local is. There are lots of issues in the department but there is no communication from the local a to what they are doing. Have we been meeting with council members to turn our reputation around, are we doing anything to assist in getting rid of our city manager are we doing anything about the equipment we are riding in. If we are please let us know. As always there is no communication from the officers of the union to the general membership
Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed.
Richard Saunders
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