Information about Scott Bailey currently serving with the Marines in Iraq
I was forwarded this email from Scott Bailey's Mother. Scott is doing well and currently serving in Iraq with the Marines. His address is included and he appreciates correspondence. The firefighters on B- Shift at Station 2 put together a care package for him. I think it weighed over 100 lbs. It was sent out yesterday and should reach him in about a week. I will try and get his email address and post that as well.
The email reads:
"I got a phone call from Scott today. He was also able to call Kira. Lines for the phone were long. He was well and seemed to be in good spirits. They are working long, hard hours.
"I got a phone call from Scott today. He was also able to call Kira. Lines for the phone were long. He was well and seemed to be in good spirits. They are working long, hard hours.
He is currently working out of the Haditha dam area. Apparently they are going out for days/weeks at time on missions, then coming back to the dam. When at the dam, they are sleeping on cots in a workroom. This is a temporary assignment, then he will be moving further west toward the Syrian border. I think the outpost near that area is at Rawah. He has limited phone service and no computer service right now. He believes he will have some computer access when he gets to his next post.
He has been getting some cooked foods in addition to MRE's. In fact, he said they had been able to set up a grill of some sort and he and another Marine were the "grill masters" -- something he loves to do.
Things he can use include batteries (AAA and AA) - beef jerky, packets of tuna, chicken - protein sources. Protein bars would probably also be good. Individual serving sizes of snack foods like peanuts, cashews. Socks, hygiene products will also be needed. He left with a supply of things, but will have limited access to replenish.
He has not yet received any letters from home - -but I assured him that they would be coming soon.
I have attached a couple maps on powerpoint that show where Haditha and Rawah are located.
For those who still need the address:
Cpl Bailey, Scott D.
4th CEB DET HQ Support
Unit 41790
FPO AP 96426-1790
You can also send letters by going to and setting up an account. With motomail, you type in your letter and they print it out in country - then deliver it. I would not send "secure" information this way though. I usually type my letter in WORD, then paste over in motomail b/c if i get interrupted, it will time out.
I will let you know when I hear more. Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.
-Carol "

1 comment:
Godspeed Bailey. Get back safe... You are missed.
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