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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Firefighters solve the worlds problems

There is a secret about Firefighters that most non-firefighters do not know and I am going to spill the beans. Firefighters can solve any problem in about 1 hour and 1 pot of coffee, coffee optional. When I say any problem, I mean problems like World peace, The War on Terror, Hurricane Relief, even local politics like Victory Stadium, The Art Museum of Western Virginia, The Flood Control Plan, etc. That is right anything, we have a solution. You would be amazed at how quickly Firefighters work through problems. You might not even know there is a problem yet, we have solved it.

Leave the "what if's", "what will they say","what will they do", "what about this", "what about that" at home. We don't use that type of give and take. We see a problem, discuss it, come up with the best solution, the end. There is not time for second guessing, that isn't how we work. Therefore people have to live with the decision and move on. More Firefighters should be in the consulting business.

Believe me when I say, I have heard just about every possibility for most of the Big unanswered Projects/Plans/Issues which Plague the City of Roanoke. As most of you all know I work part time the RVFFCU, the Roanoke Firefighters very own Credit Union. I am involved in the RFFA, I have been elected Secretary/Treasurer for next year, as well as being involved in several committee's for the Roanoke Fire-EMS Department. What I am getting at is that I am around the Fire Station a lot. Not just at #10 where I work or #8 which houses the RVFFCU, but I get around to many of the other Fire Stations for what ever reason.

You can walk into any Fire Station in the City, probably anywhere, and usually catch at least a couple of Firefighters discussing certain issues. These are not boring discussions either. We are talking very excitable Firefighters standing up for their beliefs, while other Firefighters are just trying to get under their skin by debating the other side of the issue. Hilarity usually ensues while the passionate Firefighter is undermine by the others. It really gets good when you have several points of view being discussed.

So why exactly am I writing this, I don't know. I just got through a conversation, actually I just was spoken to for a solid half-hour about World Issues. I was not asked one question, nor was I given a chance to speak. I was held captive by my desk and chair here at the RVFFCU, I could not get up and leave, and I tried to change the subject. But this isn't the first time. I am held captive while I hear all sorts of stories, stories about wives, children, co-workers, bosses, the RFFA, anything really.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy talking. Those of you who know me can vouch for that. So don't stop with the stories. Just don't talk to me like you are talking to an inanimate object. We can have a productive intellectual conversation about whatever, just don't lecture.

One more thing for the members of the RFFA. If you truly want to know what the RFFA is going to do about this and that, come to the meetings and ask. I am not the walking cliffnotes of every meeting, issue, or problem that the RFFA discusses at its meetings.

This just in:

There will be a Campaign Rally for Tim Kaine, Creigh Deeds, and Leslie Byrne at Fire Station #1 on Monday November 7th, 8:30am.

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