Training into the night at #10
Eventually, everyone gets there name on the blog. Some for more heroic or meaningful reasons than others. Today at Station 10, a couple of the newer firefighters learned an important lesson about Old Glory. Station 10 does not have a light on the flag and it is the newest firefighters role to raise the flag in the morning and lower it in the evening. Today, Old Glory was forgotten about until Captain Flora noticed. He immediately summonsed the firefighters who's duty it is to lower the flag and fold it. They were given a little lesson in proper etiquette. Below is Firefighter White and Firefighter McDonald saluting the flag before bringing it in for the night. Thanks to Captain Flora for the photos.

They need to install a light for them, good job Skippy, It is the simple things people forget about that mean a lot.
Grow some balls rookies. The flag is important but dont let anyone humiliate you. This is not the military...its a fire department where half the staff is lazy and fat. That doesnt mean that you should get lazy and fat but dont let anyone walk over you and make you look stupid because the flag was left out after dark.....after all, some of the stations leave their flag out 24/7.
Listen tailhole the flag is supposed to have a light on it 24/7 if it is to remain out there. The stations that leave it out 24/7 have these lights, #10 doesn't neither does #2 (don't know if others do or not).
The guys there have to take it down and put it up. No the FD is not the military but as Americans it is our priviledge to respect and revere the flag so many people in the military have sacrificed and died for. This appears it wasn't a lessen in following your given duties so much as a lesson in respecting the flag. Would you: let the flag hang in a rain storm? At night without a light? Let someone burn it or piss on it?
No this isn't the military, but maybe if we all walked the line a little tighter we wouldn't be turning into the people we hate. No-one at 10 or any other station in the city is going to embarass their newer members just for craps & giggles. This will stick with those 2 guys and they will not let themselves or another new guy forget the flag in the future. They aren't the first to be called out for flag duty and they probably will not be the last. Maybe you should go salute the flag every now and then.
That's ok the US, State and City flags at the corner of Williamson and Orange haven't been illuminated in over 6 months perhaps this is a new city policy to disrespect the flag? No seriously, pet peeve of mine that the City has been informed of numerous times. GRRRRRR
This isn't a fact of the rokies needing to grow some balls. This is a fact that the rookies need to do their job. If the Captain put it into the hands of the rookies to remember to take the flag down, then that is their responsibility. The Captain has a responsibility to reprimand them in a way to help them remember.
And on another note, we are talking about the American Flag. There are rules for proper respect of the US flag and it has nothing whatsoever with what the Fire Administration thinks, and it certainly overrides any rules that they may have to the contrary. If the members on the Roanoke Fire/EMS Department don't know the rules and regulations on the display of the American Flag, then maybe someone ought to work it into the training. I, for one, think that the flag should be respected, and setting up another light shining into the sky is not always the answer to abject laziness. Just take the flag down like you were told, and when you are supposed to do it.
Mike Overacker
Lieutenant - Retired
So youre telling the rookies to tell their Capt to basically F off? That great advice to them. The fact is, putting up and bringing in the flag is a small step in giving the rookies some responsibility. I bet they wont forget anymore. Good job Skippy.
Yea, grow some balls just like you signing your name to your comment their Mr anonymous!!!! How does that saying go, "pratice what you prech"
The flag does need to be put up and down each morning/night but it is not up the the station decision maker to reprimand something like that...let alone humiliate anyone in the process of doing so. The captain can do whatever he likes but should know better than to take a picture of it for everyone in the world to see.
Speaking of doing you job, are we not supposed to go INSIDE the building when there may be fire in it Overacker?
Hmmm. Ready to cast insults at me, but not willing to sign your name.
I stand by my career in the Fire Department. I sign my name because, unlike the previous poster, I am not willing to hide behind my words. I don't have to answer to you, or anyone else about my work with the RFD. And because I am better than you, I am going to sign my name.
Mike Overacker
Lieutenant - Retired
Get em' Mikey
Someone should call these two rookies and ask them if they were "insulted" or felt "walked over" by this. I'm sure they know that although a well taught lesson came from this incident, their captain sent it to Rhett in fun and mean't no harm by posting it. Some of you are so sensitive!
I agree! I'll be the first to admit that when I was a rookie, I wasn't the best @ remembering it w/ everything that was going on in the day, just ask they guys of 2A. And I still do get ragged occasionally for forgetting if I'm busy w/ something else; it's all in good fun. But the previous person had it right, ask the guys involved if they were offended, I would bet they will laugh & say no. Or is this truely the kinder more gentle Fire Dept. where no one can have their feelings hurt?
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