Scott Hetherington is going home from the hospital
Scott (pictured to the right) is going home from the hospital today after suffering cardiac arrest at a house fire on December 3rd. We wish him the best in his recovery. The cause of the fire has been determined. You can read more about it here. Scott, pictured to the right, The picture to the right is Scott from Todd Reighleys blog. It is the only one I could find and is about a year old.
Structure fire in RoanokeElsewhere, Northwest Roanoke Firefighters had a structure fire the other day. Click on the picture to the left to view more pictures and read more about the fire.
The cause is still unknown.
Rhett, the fire was on Nov. 30th, not Dec. 3rd.
Hey guys, I would like to say thanks to all of you who came by my room to say hi. It really kept my spirits up to see all of y'all. On Nov. 30 the members of this dept. showed the whole world how it's really done. Due to super fast recognition, action and co-operation I am here today with a great outlook and plans to return asap. everyone from my captain, to firefighters, to medics, to chiefs and supervisors pitched in. Aside from having "shaken baby syndrome" I am doing great. Rhett the picture isn't that great but its very appropriate because it was taken at Reighley's house. Just one brother helping out another. Anyway thanks to all for your prayers and well wishes Scooter
Glad to hear you are doing better. If you need anything, just shout. If you think you might need something, just shout.
Mike R.
Hey Scott,
I used to live a few miles up the road from you in Nace. I probably haven't talked to you since 1987 or so when you were pedaling your road bike up Williamson Rd on Friday or Saturday night. I just heard about this. I'm glad you are doing good. I was back in Roanoke a few months ago and took my son into the old Firestation downtown and had a sharp firefighter give us a tour. My 6 year old boy really enjoyed it. Take Care. And thanks to all you firefighters in Roanoke for what you do. Sean Godsey-Falling Waters, WV
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