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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Roanoke Fire Fighters Local 1132

Roanoke Fire Fighters Local 1132:
From the Roanoke Leader:

Fire Department

We are glad to learn that this organization has been perfected. The meeting held last Monday night in Rorer Hall was for the purpose of consolidating the tow parties striving after the same end here, and was successful in that respect. It is hoped and expected by the organization that the City Council will give a lot near Rorer Hall and erect upon it a house suitable for the protection of the fire apparatus.

It seemed to be the prevailing sentiment of the meeting that a hook and ladder company was as much as the means in hand and in prospect would justify at present, but this point has not yet been fully determined. The constitution and by-laws will be considered for amendment etc., at the meeting next Monday.

When the nomination for the office of 2d lieutenant was made, the gentleman named stated he was a stranger, and on that account wished to decline the honor; whereupon Mr. Rush Darr, remarked that strangers in this town were always welcome, and heartily received, which sentiment elicited much applause.

Check out the additions to the Roanoke Firefighters Association Timeline. There will continue to be additions to the page. I have been archiving articles starting at the beginning 1882. Look for more information to come, and check out the updates now, including the beginning of the Roanoke Fire Company No. 1.

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